Bigger Than Biden/Kanene Holder

  • mpf 

Reading Time 3 minsJuly 24, 2024* “If the Democrats were indeed about ‘democracy,’ they would have been honest, proactive, and transparent.” This is not about Biden. This is about the truth, common sense, fear, loyalty, and the future of America, but not for the reasons you think.  “Democracy is under threat”.  This is Biden forcing Democrats to do a public loyalty test to double down on why he should stay, against all common sense, fear, and logic. This is the Democrats holding the news cycle hostage instead of proactively managing the campaign and the future of the party.  Biden is… Read More »Bigger Than Biden/Kanene Holder


  • mpf 

Reading Time 2 mins July 24, 2024 Mystic Prowler – Below The Surface ( Kaiso ) For the past eight years, the name Donald Trump has been a constant presence, for better or worse, impacting the globe and residing on everyone’s lips daily. This makes it all too easy for a slip of the tongue, like when Joe Biden said he selected Trump as Vice President because he knew SHE was qualified to be the President. Where are the experts who can analyze how easy it is to slip up with the name Trump, especially when there’s misguided pressure to… Read More »PEEPING BELOW THE SURFACE OF BIDEN’SDECISION/DUFF MITCHELL

The Butcher Family of Trinidad and Tobago: A Legacy of Sporting Excellenece/Compiled by Rick Butcher

  • mpf 

Reading Time 2 minsJuly 26. 2024 “The [Butcher] family’s legacy is a national success story and a World Record, showcasing the power of talent, passion, and dedication.” As the world converges on Paris today for the 2024 Summer Olympics, the Caribbean region is poised to make its mark on the global stage with the largest contingent of athletes from regional nations as they compete in an unprecedented diverse range of events. From the sprinting powerhouses of Jamaica, Bahamas, and Trinidad and Tobago to the emerging talents of BVI, Grenada, Dominica, and St Lucia, Caribbean athletes will display the region’s rich… Read More »The Butcher Family of Trinidad and Tobago: A Legacy of Sporting Excellenece/Compiled by Rick Butcher

BDN Celebrates July 9th as Sparrow Day!

Reading Time 1 minsJuly 9, 2024 Big Drum Nation joins millions worldwide in recognizing ‘Sparrow Day,’ Slinger Francisco’s 89th birthday. Renowned for his lyrical prowess and charismatic persona, onstage and offstage, time after time, Sparrow has been acknowledged by his many fans as the embodiment of the people’s aspirations. His accolades extend beyond Trinidad and Tobago, where he received the prestigious Chaconia Gold Medal in 1993 and the Order of the Republic in 2023, to international recognition, such as Chief of the Yorubas (Chief Omo Wale of Ikoyi) during Nigeria’s Festac in 1977. Cementing his legacy throughout his six-decade career, Sparrow… Read More »BDN Celebrates July 9th as Sparrow Day!

Celebrating the Genius of Slinger Francisco: Reflections on the Sparrow Anthology–Winthrop R. Holder

Reading Time 8 minsJuly 9, 2021 Happy Birthday, Slinger Francisco, aka Mighty Sparrow! On this, his 86th birthday, Big Drum Nation is pleased to republish Winthrop R. Holder’s Reflections on “Soca Anthology: Dr. Bird- – The Mighty Sparrow.” – BDN Editors “That little poowatee man… A little piss’n tail, man.” Jean in Tony Hall’s Jean and Dinah: A Lordstreet Lime “… they fighting for progress to stop.” Mighty Sparrow “The year introduced a calypsonian who was destined to be the most popular for most of the rest of the century. His contribution in 1956 made an impact that no calypso before or after… Read More »Celebrating the Genius of Slinger Francisco: Reflections on the Sparrow Anthology–Winthrop R. Holder


Reading Time 7 minsJuly 9, 2022 ‘Irony has only emergency use. Carried over time it is the voice of the trapped who have come to enjoy their cage.’ (Lewis Hyde).  Slinger Francisco, the Mighty Sparrow, has been pronounced dead in the past so many times before that he will surely pinch himself on his birthday, July 9, to reassure himself that he yet breathes and lives. The trajectory of his career, beginning with Road March and Calypso King titles in 1956, is nothing short of amazing. He has since won both Road March and Calypso King titles eight times, has… Read More »SPARROW’S TWO SONGS OF SOLOMON-Ken Jaikaransingh


Reading Time 11 mins July 9, 2024 Happy Birthday, Slinger Francisco, aka Mighty Sparrow! Today, his 89th birthday, Big Drum Nation is proud to republish a slightly edited 2020 article by founding editor Caldwell Taylor–A Birthday Tribute in recognition of the bard’s 66th year on the stage.  – BDN Editors “Calypso is a product of Caribbean people’s struggle to articulate an identity in response to numerous attempts at fragmentation.” – Carole Boyce-Davis Long after most of us are forgotten, certain calypsoes will survive as the only reminders to some later generation of how we lived, loved, laboured and sinned. –… Read More »THE SPARROW REVOLUTION: MORE THAN FIFTY YEARS IN THE BUSINESS AND STILL GOING STRONG –Caldwell Taylor

Are Uncommitted Voters Apathetic? — BDN Intro

Reading Time 1 minsMay 31, 2024 With the United States on the brink of the crucial 2024 Presidential Election, recent national polls reveal a growing disillusionment with the Biden Administration and a notable lack of enthusiasm, particularly among black women and young black voters. Surprisingly, even among Caribbean Americans, a traditional democratic base, whispers of defection exist.  This growing disaffection with the Biden administration and the looming possibility of a second Trump Presidency has many Democratic party loyalists in a state of heightened anxiety. The former president’s ability to evade the consequences of numerous indictments adds to the urgency felt… Read More »Are Uncommitted Voters Apathetic? — BDN Intro

[Book Review] SEARCHING FOR SIR FRANK- Ken Jaikaransingh

Reading Time 6 minsVaneisa Baksh, Son of Grace: Frank Worrell – A Biography. Fairfield Books, 348 pages. (Paper £22.00) May 22, 2024 What set Worrell apart was his natural air of authority. He did not need to be in a leadership position to manifest it, and this characteristic defined his life… in the Sixties, until his death in 1967, he was more of an icon as a West Indian leader, whose qualities of grace and wisdom framed him as the ideal representative of a society still constructing its identity. (Son of Grace, p.13) The name Sir Frank Worrell is revered… Read More »[Book Review] SEARCHING FOR SIR FRANK- Ken Jaikaransingh


Reading Time 1 mins May 22, 2024 Caribbean nations commemorate Indian Arrival Day as a public holiday throughout May and early June. Today, May 30, it’s celebrated in Trinidad and Tobago, following Grenada on May 1, Guyana on May 5, Saint Lucia on May 6, and Jamaica on May 10. And on June 1, it’s celebrated in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Click here to read and join the conversation around “Crossing The Dark Waters,” Kenneth Jaikaransingh’s reflections on the East Indian presence in Trinidad and Tobago relevant to the broader Caribbean. The Day marks the arrival of the first wave of… Read More »SALUTING INDIAN ARRIVAL DAY!