Same Old Story: Biden Consolidates Trump’s Legacy In Latin America & The Caribbean?/BDN Editorial
Reading Time 1 minsFebruary 7, 2023 “Some talk of legality Constitutionality But only to export their hypocrisy. If you examine The state of affairs in their land You will find human rights violations, Total disregard for the constitution. Complex political persecution, And a wave of sanctioned violence With the blessing of legislative criminals.” King Short Shirt, “Viva Grenada.“ Anticipating continuity rather than discontinuity with President Biden simply following the saber-rattling characteristic of the Trump presidency regarding Cuba, Venezuela, and any nation which stood on principle against America’s impulse to dominate, we wondered if, based on a few positive signs… Read More »Same Old Story: Biden Consolidates Trump’s Legacy In Latin America & The Caribbean?/BDN Editorial