• mpf 

Reading Time 1 mins

July 27, 2024

This is my land, that’s why I am fighting for it,” Abu Bakr

We are still depending on demonstrations,
placards, and the ballot box to get people out of office,” Black Stalin

Given the historical nature of Attack With Full Forec, Ancil Antoine’s reflections on 1990–of which he was a central actor–Anthony Pantaleon takes another look, suggesting that “the most important aspect of this book is… Yasin Abu Bakr’s miscalculation that because there was political and economic discontent in T & T, all societal actors, including the security forces, would embrace… his ragtag band of Muslims to topple a legitimately elected Government.”

Last year, Clyde Weatherhead reviewed the work, noting that, based on the Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the 1990 Coup, “The economic situation had engendered such antipathy to the Government that it [created] a platform of instability and an environment that… encouraged Imam Abu Bakr to believe that he could launch an armed offensive against the Government which would receive popular support.”

From BDN EDITORS: Read on and join the conversation by recording your recollections and ‘partial truths’ under each viewpoint to enlarge and contest our interpretation in the interest of ‘truth-telling.’

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