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Sisters, Brothers,
Today is October 19th, 2021. Life and death and life day.
The shock waves of the losses from COVID-19 and with it the passing of stalwarts such as Peter Bain, and the passing too of young people such as Giovanni de Gannes are tremours only, compared to the seismic shift of October
19, 1983.

Still, our hearts are aching, our souls are draining. Today is a day of deep grief — and even deeper prayers and rising hope.
We are not re-living the horror, just remembering not to do evil!
Indeed, let us always remember that we are making the new movie, putting heads and hearts back together again as we did to build the revolution, which meant we could transform Grenada! Still, today, this island country, Grenada, needs the best from all of us: to end poverty and covid-19, to respond to climate change and to the debt crisis, for gender equality and economic empowerment.
We need to be making the new documentary of people’s progress, comradely solidarity, justice, and love! All other movies, especially the ones without love have no north star and have passed their expiration date.
May the souls of our brave and beloved Maurice Bishop, cabinet ministers Norris Bain, Unison Whiteman, Jacqueline Creft cabinet, trade unionist, military and militia personnel, students and others, rest in peace. May their legacies of revolutionary sacrifice and service continue to inspire us, today and every day–truly!
In bowed tribute,
Dessima Williams
Dessima D Williams is an educator and former Grenada diplomat and Ambassador to the United Nations during the 1979 Grenada Revolution. She was reappointed to the ambassadorship 2008 – 2011.