Celebrate 40 years of the Grenadian Revolution

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Celebrate 40 years of the Grenadian Revolution
March 13th 1979 – the day the Grenadian Revolution was launched.
Given the small size of Grenada – 133 sq. miles – population of 100,000 –
and the lopsided and dependent economy that the British Empire had lefton decolonisation, improving the economic performance of the country
was always going to be an uphill struggle, with the only bonus being that
the elimination of the previous government’s corruption gave an
immediate boost to the exchequer.

The Gairy regime had left no database of statistics, indeed there was no mechanism for collecting any statistics. The only possibility for planning was the heavy involvement of the mass organisations, while opening the
books to public scrutiny. The process of preparing the 1982 budget
involved 25 meetings of Workers Parish and Zonal Councils, the NationalWomen’s Organisations, the National Youth Organisation, trade union
branches, the Militia, the Productive Farmers Union etc. Each meeting
was attended by a government minister. The input was incredibly
detailed and when the original draft and the final proposals are
compared, there are major differences that reflect the consultation
process. Let us be clear, this was not democratic control of the economy,
but it was a real consultation process that was listened to – a far cry from the sham “consultation” process we are used to in Britain where we can say what we like, then the the authorities do what they intended
to do in the first place.

The principal behind the budget was that recurrent expenditure should
come from revenues and taxation while loans and overseas aid were
reserved for capital projects, the main one of which was the international airport. Accountancy was remarkably tight, a positive reaction to the
loose accounting and resultant corruption of the previous regime. In part helped by the welcome given to the Revo’ by the Grenadian civil
servants, despite the fact that many of them were Gairyites. This was
aided by the recruitment of a number of very sharp economists from
the rest of the Caribbean.

The decision that if tourism was to flourish and benefit the general, an
international airport was an absolute necessity was both a sensible
economic priority and widely popular. It was financed by loans and aid
from 16 countries and internally a 2% extra tax on all imports. It was
designed by the Grenadians, based on a British plan of the 1950s but
never constructed, largely built by Grenadian workers, including
voluntary community organised labour, with dredging carried out by a
US company based in Houston, Texas. It was far from the Cuban project
so decried by the Reagan regime in the USA, although valuable assistancewas provided by skilled workers from Cuba. The airport was linked to a
efforts by the Ministry of Tourism to attract more tourists, while the
government purchased the Holiday Inn.

The PRG decided early on to link agriculture to industry with agro-industry development. The former Gairy True Blue military base was converted to an agro-industry complex for the processing and preserving of
agricultural and fishery production and this operated in conjunction witha new spice grinding plant, the Mount Hartman livestock farm and a Cocoa propagation scheme. The object was to create added value to Grenada’s agricultural production and thereby to expand exports, preserve excess production from the harvest and to produce local foodstuffs as an
import substitution measure, with the aim of making the island self-sufficient. A Marketing and National Importing Board was set up to market the
products of the islands agriculture and agro-industry, locally and for
export, as well as importing essential materials such as fertilizer which
were sold to farmers at below cost.

This is just skimming the surface of the Grenadian economy during the
Revo’. A more complete account would also have to consider the
increased wages and enhanced “social wage” including health and
education, the land-reform programme, the new bus service, the
nationalisation of GRENELEC, the other infrastructure projects such as
the 63 miles of extra road built and the enhanced dock facilities, the
house repair scheme, the reduction of unemployment, the creation of a
state owned bank, the agricultural co-operatives and the whole question
of tackling efficiency and productivity through planning.Perhaps most
interesting, given the hostility of the US government, is the continued
support of the IMF whose 1982 report on the island’s economy is most

Under Gairy, education was unchanged from the days of Empire, based
on a Eurocentric model calculated to demean the history of the both the
African-descendent majority and the East Indian minority, thereby undercutting their self-confidence. Most primary schools were in a dilapidated condition. There was little secondary school provision, with fees that
placed it outside the grasp of the overwhelming majority. There was one
teacher training college that only catered for 50 students.

School fees were halved in 1980 and abolished in ‘81, while the debts of the previous government to the University of the West Indies were paid sothat Grenadians could benefit from the possibility of higher education. Toquickly address the need for teacher training , the National In-Service
Teacher Education Program (NISTEP) was devised, with the help of
Chris Searle and Paulo Freire. Teachers were expected to attend
in-service training every Friday, while skilled workers and community
leaders provided work-related education in their absence. Countering theprevious pro-imperialist education was, of course, political, and this wascondemned by enemies of the revolution as “propaganda”.

Many teachers threw themselves into developing the new curriculum
with vigour and, while not a universal, standards improved greatly, new
schools were built, a new set of primary school readers were produced and lessons were learned about teacher training that pointed a way
forward. If we compare the school leaving exam pass rate, it went from3% in 1978 to 32% in 1982. While not all teachers participated in NISTEPwith great enthusiasm, it may be argued that those who did gained
greatly in professional abilities and their student’s education prospered.

And as a literacy programme in August 1980, but soon became much
more, incorporating songs, poetry and dance. It was an important sourceof intergenerational solidarity as the young taught the elderly to read,
while at the same time learning much from the traditional wisdom of
their elders. Illiteracy was reduced from about 20% to less than 3% of
the population. From 1982, phase two branched out into Maths, English
History, Politics and the Natural Sciences as a form of post-literacy


Women were very important for the overthrow of the previous dictator
Eric Gairy. The St Georges Progressive Women’s Association (PWA), set up in 1977, was very active prior to 1979 campaigning for better wages,
employment for women, better housing, medical facilities and
democratic rights. And of course, opposition to the “jobs for sex” that wasa part of the endemic corruption under Gairy.

The PWA had its first post-revolution meeting in June 1979 but it was
realised that a different form organization is needed during the
overthrow a dictatorship from that required to construct the new society.

The PWA gave way to the National Women’s Organisation (NWO) which
held its founding general meeting in December 1980 although it already
had 1,500 members in 47 groups. By the December 1982 NWO congress, it
had 6,500 members, 22% of the female adult population of 30,000. The
NWO was at pains to stress that it was open to all women. it saw its role asa mixture of encouraging popular participation, promoting government
programmes and holding government departments to account.The NWOwas heavily involved with social welfare, monitoring government
programmes for primary health care, free milk, free school meals, books and uniforms. The NWO also led the other mass organisations in
establishing, servicing and running the day care centres in order to
enable more women to enter the workforce. This was part of women’s involvement in “voluntary community work” such as road repair, in whichmany women moved out of their traditional roles into heavier manual

In the field of education, the 1982 NWO congress made women’s
education a priority, in particular encouraging full participation in the
Centre for Popular Education. There was considerable effort to encourage girls to go into what had previously been seen as “male “occupations”
with laws stipulating equal pay for men and women in the same job.
There was however, little effort made to persuade boys to enter
traditional “female” occupations. The NWO collaborated with the
ministry of education in developing the curriculum for mass education
for women: Grenada’s history from the Caribs to 1979; the economy; overcoming underdevelopment; World history and international affairs;
women’s involvement in People’s Power; maternity law and first aid.

On the question of the Maternity Leave Law, pressure from the NYO
considerably improved the provisions and they were instrumental in
pushing for the first prosecution of an employer who refused to comply.

But women were also in the forefront of political activism – the fact that,
in the June 1980 terrorist bomb attack on a political rally, the three
persons killed and the majority of the injured were women, is evidence
that women were present in large numbers.

After this outrage, the majority of new recruits to the militia were young
women and if anything women’s organisation and determination were

[But let us finish on a happier note, to quote 60 year-old
Agatha Francis, who was interviewed by Chris Searle:

… and for the women, they are proud and boast up of Maternity Leave.
The kind of bad treatment the men give the women before, they done with
that. The revolution bring we love, and is that love that teach the men
different, bring them work and cause them to respect we.

or 72 year-old Scotilda Noel

When we hear the news of the revolution that morning, it was joy come out in the morning!

Joy come out in the morning! As if lifted up that morning!

CLS pamphlet: “By Our Own Hands – A People’s History of the
Grenadian Revolution” can be downloaded from here…

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