Big Drum Nation’s Grenada Bibliography (1787 – 2015)

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  • Grenada Books

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  • epub-download-720x400
  • maroon-lives-2-201x300Adkin, Mark. Urgent Fury: The Battle for Grenada: The Truth Behind the Largest U.S. Military Construct From MornOperation Since Vietnam © 1989
  • Anstis, Shirley. They Call Me … A look at nicknames on the Caribbean island of Grenada
  • Artesian water supply of Carrriacou – Report by E. Lehner with notes on the general geology of the island, Government Printing Office (1933)
  • Badejo, Fabian Adekunle. Revolution As Poetic Inspiration: Grenada in ‘Maroon Lives’ 
  • pomerackBain, Francis. A child of the carnival © 1978Place called gouyave
  • Bain, Francis. Beyond the Ballot Box © 1980
  • Beck, Robert J. The Grenada Invasion: Politics, Law, and Foreign Policy Decision-making. Westview Press © 1993
  • Bell, Sir Henry Hesketh Joudou. Obeah: Witchcraft in the West Indies 
  • Bernard, Callistus. They Could Only Kill Me Once, Hibiscus Publishing, ©2006
  • Bishop, Maurice, Taber, Michael. Maurice Bishop Speaks: The Grenada Revolution and Its Overthrow, 1979-83, Pathfinder Press © 1984
  • MeeksBoodhoo, Ken I. The Grenada Revolution: Rationale for Failure and Lessons for the CaribbeanMiami FL: Latin American and Caribbean Center, Florida International University © 1986
  • Brathwaite, Roger. Grenada: Spice Paradise © 2002Clement
  • Breese, Charlotte. Hutch, Alibris © 2001
  • Brizan, George. Grenada: Fortitude and the human condition @2001
  • Brizan, George. Grenada: Island of Conflict, Macmillan Education Ltd, ©1998
  • Brizan, George. Grenada, Island Of Conflict: From Amerindians To People’s Revolution, 1498 1979, Zed Books Ltd © 1984
  • DunbarCampbellBiancaBrown, Cindy Kilgorie. Adventure Guide to St Vincent, Grenada and the Grenadines © 2003Peaceful Revolution
  • Buckell, Tobias S. Halo: The Cole Protocol © 2008
  • Buckell, Tobias S. Hurricane Fever © 2014
  • Buffong, Jean. Under the Silk Cotton Tree: A Novel (Emerging Voices) @1998
  • Burrowes, Reynold. Revolution and Rescue in Grenada: An Account of the U.S.-Caribbean Invasion (Contributions in Sociology), 1988
  • bk-nobodys-back-yard (1)Campbell, Dunbar. Blood of Belvidere © 2013
  • Campbell, Dunbar. The Bianca C Still Burns © 2013HeroCrowd
  • Carew, Jan. Fulcrum of Change © 1982
  • Carew, Jan. Grenada: The Hour Will Strike © 1985
  • Cheng, Guek Pang, Pang, Guek-Cheng. Culture of the World Series: Grenada © 2000
  • CIA and State Department. GRENADA Country Studies: A brief, comprehensive study of Grenada © 2012
  • Clark, Steve. Grenada: Workers and Farmers Government © 2000
  • Clement, Paul. Petite Martinique: Traditions and Social Change © 2000
  • Clyde, David F. Health in Grenada: A Social and Historical Account, Vade-Mecum Press © 1985Hutch
  • the-grenada-revo HartCoard, Phyllis. U.S.War on One Woman: My Conditions of Imprisonment in Grenada, Karia Press © 1988
  • Collins, Merle. Angel: A Novel © 1998
  • Collins, Merle. Ladies are Upstairs © 2011
  • Crandall, Russell, Gunboat Democracy: U.S. Interventions in the Dominican Republic, Grenada, and Panama © 2006
  • Crooks, Lloyd Hollis. Grenada Ghost © 2014GemsInCrack
  • Cugoano, Ottobah. Narrative of the Enslavement of OTTOBAH CUGOANO, Native of Africa; published by himself in the Year 1787
  • Not AloneWe MoveCollins, Merle. Rotten Pomerack, Alibis Books © 1992
  • Collins, Merle. The Governor’s Story: authorized biography of Dame Hilda Bynoe. Pee Pal Tree Press Ltd., © 2013
  • Couvillon and USAF (Ret.) Major Michael J. Grenada Grinder © 2012
  • Cox, Edward, Free Coloreds in the Slave Societies of St. Kitts and Grenada, 1763-1833  © 1984
  • Crandall, Russell. Gunboat Democracy: U.S. Interventions in the Dominican Republic, Grenada, and Panama © 2006millitaryInt
  • Crawford-Daniel, Wendy. Unveiling Island Passion © 2011
  • Mother and ICrozier, Brian (Editor). The Grenada Documents © 1993
  • DaBreo, D. Sinclair. Grenada’s Democracy on Trial, Open Library © 1984
  • DaBreo, D. Sinclair. The Grenada Revolution, M.A.P.S. Publication, © 1979
  • David, Christine. Carriacou Culture © 1973
  • David, Christine. Folklore of Carriacou © 1985
  • Davidson, Scott. Grenada: A Study in Politics and the Limits of International Law, Gower © 1987
  • RevoReverseDeCoteau, Collis Tony. A Place Called Gouyave © 2012
  • De Gale, Clare D. Briggs. Tri-Islands’ Blessings © 2015
  • DeRiggs, Christopher. Jookootoo I and other Poems © 1983Payne
  • DeRiggs, Christopher. Shadow of the Leader © 2012
  • Devas, R. P., A history of the Island of Grenada, 1498-1796, with some notes and comments on Carriacou and events of later years [2nd ed.], Carenage Press [St. George, Grenada] © 1974
  • Devas, R. P., Birds of Grenada and St. Vincent and the Grenadines (British West Indies): how to identify them, when Tri Island where to look for them, Advocate Co., [Bridgetown, Barbados] © 1942
  • Devas, R. P., The island of Grenada (1650-1950) © 1964GrenInWar
  • Devas, R. P., Up Hill and Down Hill in Grenada,  The Grenada Guardian Ltd. [St. George, Grenada] © 1926
  • Dieterle, W., Grenada sketches (Unknown Binding) © 1986GrenadeW
  • Douglas, Claude J., When the Village was an Extended Family © 2003
  • Douglas, Claude J., Win to Govern; Govern to Win: Governance in Grenada (1974-2010) © 2010
  • Edwards, Earl, Zombie Avengers: Jab Jab vs Zombies (Volume 2) © 2013
  • Grenada DestabEquiano, Olaudah, The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, the African (1789)
  • Emmanuel, Patrick, Crown Colony Politics in Grenada, 1917-1951, Institute of Social and Economic Research, University of the West Indies © 1978
  • Ferguson, James, Grenada: Revolution in Reverse, Latin America Bureau © 1990Island of Conflict
  • Fossil mollusks from Carriacou, West Indies, Paleontological Research Institution in Ithaca, N.Y. © 1971
  • Francis, Nordica, White Paint on Her Forehead ©2009
  • DeceptionGifford, Tony, The Grenada Murder Trial: No Case for Hanging: an Analysis by Tony Gifford, Committee for Human Rights in Grenada (UK) © 1987
  • Goodwin, Paul, The Caribbean After Grenada: Revolution, Conflict, and Democracy, Praeger Publishers Inc © 1988
  • Grenada is not alone: Speeches by the People’s Revolutionary Government at the first International Conference in Solidarity with Grenada, November 1981, Fedon Publishers ©1981200px-PraisesongfortheWidow
  • Grenada Foundation, Inc. George Louison and Kenrick Radix Discuss Internal Events Leading to the U.S. Invasion of Grenada, ©1984
  • RevoAbortGrenada: The Peaceful Revolution. EPICA. ©1981
  • Grenada: The World Against the Crime, Editorial de Ciencias Sociales, ©1983
  • Grenade, Wendy, The Grenada Revolution: Reflections and Lessons, University Press of Mississippi ©2015
  • Griffith, George, The Gairy Movement: a History of Grenada, 1947-1997, © 2015
  • Griffith, George, P.A., The Grenada Boys Secondary School Hostel – Reminiscing on a boarding school life in Grenada © 2012memoirsJP
  • Griffith, Jacintha Pearl, Coveting the Dream © 2002
  • HamiltonGroom, J.R., A Natural History of the Island of Grenada, W.I. Caribbean Printers Ltd., Trinidad © 1970
  • Hamilton, Lewis, My Story, Harper Collins Publishers ©2010
  • Hart, Richard, The Grenada Revolution: Setting The Record Straight. © 2015
  • Hawthorne, William D., Jules, Dean, Caribbean Spice Island Plants: Trees, Shrubs and Climbers of Grenada, Carriacou and Petit Martinique © 2004
  • Heine, Jorge, A Revolution Aborted: The Lessons of Grenada (Pitt Latin American Studies) © 1991Seaga
  • Hill, Donald R., The impact of migration on the metropolitan and folk society of Carriacou, Grenada, American Museum of Natural History in New York © 1977
  • Hodge, Merle and Chris Searle, (eds.), Is Freedom We Making! The New Democracy in Grenada, Fedon Publishing ©1nutmeg982
  • Hodam, Robert, Escaping Grenada (Living Dangerously Book 1), Amazon Digital Services, Inc. © 2013
  • Holbrook, David J., Grenada and Carriacou English-lexifier Creole(s) © 2005
  • Hornig, Doug, Waterman, Popular Library © 1988
  • Hosten, Jennifer, Sarsfield, Shaun, Beyond Miss World, an Autobiography of Jennifer Hosten, Miss World 1970 © 2008
  • Lewis, Paula, Alister Hughes: Glimpses into the life of a great Grenadian, Belmont Estate Heritage Foundation © 1984
  • grenada17Hughes, Alister, compiler, Violations of Human Rights in Grenada for Human Rights Research Project of the Caribbean Conference of Churches, August, 1977
  • Jefferson, Trevor R., Scott, Julie G. M., GRENADA: Expatriate Relocation Manual © 2014Under Silk
  • Jeffrey, Rowley, Gems In The Cracks: Paperback ©2008
  • Jacobs, W. Richard and Basil Ian Jacobs, Grenada: The Route to Revolution, Casa de las Americás, 1979, ©1980
  • John, Gus. A Time to Tell: Grenada Diary, December 14 – 25, 1983
  • Joseph, Marguerite-Joan, Lingering Effects of an Ancient Afro-Romance Language on Common Speech in the Caribbean Island of Grenada, Create Space Independent Publishing © 2012
  • FrockKempadoo, Oonya, Buxton Spice, Beacon Press © 2004
  • Kay, Frances, This is Grenada, Caribbean Printers (First Edition)© 1967equiano olaudah life 073511
    • Keens-Douglas, Ricardo, Bourbonniere, Sylvie, Tales from the Isle of Spice  © 2004
  • Kelly, Francis, Grenada: The Best Kept Secret in the Caribbean Sea © 2012
  • Kephart, Ronald F., “Broken English”: the Creole language of Carriacou © 2000
  • CarriacouKinzer, Steven, Overthrow, Times Publication © 2006
  • Lang, Peter, The Gorrion Tree: Cuba and the Grenada Revolution, John Walton Cotman ©Manning Marrable 1993
  • Langdon, A.C., Grenada: Rescued From Rape and Slavery, (CIA-produced comic book) © 1984
  • Layne, Joseph Ewart, We Move Tonight © 2014
  • Lewis, David, Reform and Revolution in Grenada, 1950-1981, Havana: Casa de las Americas © 1984
  • Lewis, Gordon, Grenada: The Jewel Despoiled, Johns Hopkins University Press, ©1987
  • SocioLingLewis, Patsy, Social Policies in Grenada, (Social Policies in Small States Series) © 2010
  • Lorde, Audre, Zami: A New Spelling of My Name – A Biomythography, (Crossing Press Feminist Series) © 1982
  • Mandle, Jay R., Big Revolution, Small Country: The Rise and Fall of the Grenada Revolution © 1985
  • Marshall, Paule, Praise song for the widow, Plume © 1984pynter bender
  • SteveClarkMartin, John Angus, A-Z of Grenada Heritage (Macmillian Caribbean A-Z) © 2007
  • Martin, John Angus, Island Caribs and French Settlers in Grenada, 1498-1763, Grenada National Museum Press © 2015
  • Martin, Tony, IN NOBODY’S BACKYARD: The Grenada Revolution in its Own Words. Vol. II
  • Martin, Tony, Volume I: The Revolution at Home. Dover, MA: The Majority Press Ed. © 1984.
  • hurricanefever-276x400Marable, Manning, African & Caribbean Politics: From Kwame Nkrumah to Maurice Bishop, Verso Press. ©1987
  • Mark, M.Z., “The Struggle to Construct and Disseminate a Philosophy of Life”
  • Mark M.B.E., Randolph. Grenada’s Unforgettable Past  © 1988
  • Mc Barnett, Kamau, My Mother and I: Epic Story of Grenada ©2014GrenadaRevo
  • McGregor, Margaret, Knit This!: Flag of Grenada © 2015
  • McIntosh, Simeon, Kelsen in the Grenada Court: Essays on Revolutionary Legality © 2008
  • GdaDocMc Quilkin, Elwyn “Black Wizard”, Panchoo, Lloyd “Mr X”. Grenada’s Calypso: The Growth of An Artform © 1994
  • Meeks, Brian, Caribbean Revolutions and Revolutionary Theory: An Assessment of Cuba, Nicaragua and Grenada, University of the West Indies Press © 2001
  • Millette, Robert, Gosine, Mahin, Grenada Revolution: Why It Failed (Studies in Pan-African Life)
  • Munroe, Trevor, Grenada: Revolution, Counter-Revolution, Vanguard Publishers © 1983Ray
  • Noguera, Pedro, The Imperatives of Power: Political Change and the Social Basis of Regime Support in Grenada from 1951-1991, Peter Lang © 1997
  • Nunez, Diafra Thomas, My Home, Grenada  © 2012
  • O’Shaughnessy, Hugh, Grenada: Revolution, Invasion and Aftermath, Sphere Books Ltd., ©1984
  • Culture of WorldPage, Richard, Spice: A satire on the US invasion of Grenada in 1983 © 2014
  • Parker, Philip M., The 2006 Economic and Product Market Databook for Gouyave,Grenada  © 2006
  • Phipps, George, Laws of Grenada and the Grenadines, cover-the-gairy-movement1766-1875 © 1875
  • Prince Nna Nna, A Grenada Nyahbinghi © 2021
  • Mains, Susan, For the Love of Grenada: A Book of Art Painted Between 1992 and 2009 …. only a Beginning  © 2009
  • Manuel, Sam, Grenada, Revolution in the Caribbean, New York: Pathfinder Press ©1981.
  • Miller, Rebecca S., Carriacou String Band Serenade: Performing Identity in the Eastern Caribbean © 2008
  • GrenadaSketchNunez, Diafra, Thomas, My Home, Grenada  © 2012
  • One Caribbean: two speeches by Maurice Bishop, Britain-Grenada Friendship SocietyPatsyLewis © 1981
  • Page, Richard, Spice: A satire on the US invasion of Grenada in 1983 © 2014
  • Patterson, Maurice, Big Sky/ Little Bullet (self-published) © 1992
  • Payne, Anthony, Paul Sutton and Tony Thorndike, Grenada: Revolution and Invasion, St. Martin’s Press, ©1984
  • WordsUnchainedPierre, Lawton J., Black Perceptions: A Poetic Journey and a Novel
  • Pierre, Lawton J., Tears from Home
  • Platt, Owen, One Big Fib: The Incredible Story of the Fraudulent First International Bank of marxistregGrenada ©  2003
  • Pryor, Frederic L., Revolutionary Grenada: A Study in Political Economy, Praeger Publishers, ©1986
  • Purcell, Joan, Memoirs of a Woman in Politics © 2009
  • Roberts-Squires, Maria, October All Over, Heinemann Educational Books © 1988
  • zamiRose, Euclid A. , Dependency and Socialism in the Modern Caribbean: Superpower Intervention in Guyana, Jamaica, and Grenada, 1970-1985, Lexington Books © 2002This is Grenada
  • Sandford, W., Vigilante, Grenada: The Untold Story © 1984
  • Searle, Chris, Grenada: The Struggle Against Destabilization ©1984
  • Searle, Chris, Words Unchained, Zed Books © 1981
  • Sandford, Gregory W. and Richard Vigilante, Grenada: The Untold Story, Madison Books, ©1984
  • Salini, Puri, Grenada Revolution in the Caribbean Present: Operation
    Urgent Memory 
    New Caribbean Studies, Palgrave Macmillan © 2014
  • VanderhoofSchoenhals, Kai P., Grenada  © 1990waterman
  • Scoon, Paul, Survival for Service: My Experiences as Governor General of Grenada © 2003
  • Scott, Alan, The Quest for Justice: The Case of the Grenada 17, Committee for Human Rights in Grenada © 1993
  • Scott, David, Omens of Adversity: Tragedy, Time, Memory, Justice © 2014
  • Jefferson, Trevor R., Scott, Julie G. M., GRENADA: Expatriate Relocation Manual © 2014
  • Sekou, Lansna M., Maroon Lives: Tribute to Maurice Bishop & Grenadian Freedom Fighters by Lasana
  • Sheppard, Jill, Marryshow of Grenada, an Introduction, Open Library © 1987USGda
  • MZ Mark BookSingham, A.W., The Hero and The Crowd in Colonial Polity © 1958
  • Smith, Courtney A., Socialist Transformation in Peripheral Economies: Lessons from Grenada  © 1995
  • Smith, M.G., Kinship and community in Carriacou, Yale University Press: New Haven © 1962
  • Sookram, Ron, Challenges and Achievements: The History of Indians in Grenada: Understanding the Indian Experience in a Small Colonial State, 1857-1950  © 2009RedCalypso
  • Spector, Ronald, U.S. Marines in Grenada, 1983
  • Steele, Beverley A. , Grenada: A History of Its People, Macmillan Caribbean © 2003
  • • Ambrose Okpokpo [Thesis] Comparative study of pesticide residues in the tropical rivers of Grenada in West Indies and Brazos River in Southwest Texas, 2004
    • Igor Oleynik; Natasha Alexander; International Business Publications, USA Grenada: country study guide Washington, D.C.: International Business Publications, USA, 2005
    • Igor S Oleynik; Natasha Alexander; International Business Publications, USA Grenada foreign policy & government guide Washington: International Business Publications, USA, 2003
    • Irving Olson; Maxwell Graduate School of Citizenship and Public Affairs. Local Revenue Administration Project Property tax administration Publisher: Syracuse, N.Y.: Local Revenue Administration Project, Metropolitan Studies Program, the Maxwell School, Syracuse University, 1984
    • Julie J O’Neal; NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL MONTEREY CA U.S. Interventon in Grenada, Panama, and Haiti: A Social Constructionist Perspective Ft. Belvoir Defense Technical Information Center DEC 1995
    • Julie Johnette O’Neal; Naval Postgraduate School (U.S.) [Thesis] U.S. intervention in Grenada, Panama, and Haiti: a social constructionist perspective Monterey, Calif.: Naval Postgraduate School, [1995]
    • Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development; Caribbean Rim: Antigua and Barbuda, Grenada and St. Lucia
    Paris: OECD, ©2006

    • Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes Peer Reviews:: Grenada 2012; phase 1; June 2012 (reflecting the legal and regulatory framework as at March 2012) Paris: OECD Publishing, 2012
    • Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development; Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes Peer Reviews: Grenada 2012: Phase 1: Legal and Regulatory Framework
    Paris: OECD Publishing, 2012

    • Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD Investment Policy Reviews: Caribbean Rim 2006: Antigua and Barbuda, Grenada and St. Lucia Publisher: Paris: OECD Publishing, 2006
    • Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax purposes Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes peer reviews: Grenada 2014: Phase 2: Implementation of the standard in practice: October 2014 (reflecting the legal and regulatory framework as at August 2014) Paris: OECD, 2014
    • Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development; OECD iLibrary; Global forum on transparency and exchange of information for tax purposes peer reviews. Grenada 2014: phase 2: implementation of the standard in practice
    Paris: OECD, [2014]

    • Peggy K Liss; Organization of American States Historical documents project: Grenada: Fort George, Fort Rupert, Fort Frederick Publisher: [Washington, D.C.]: [Organization of American States], [1984]
    • Organization of American States. Department of Information and Public Affairs Bosquejo de Grenada Washington, D.C.: General Secretariat, Organization of American States, [between 1974 and 1976]
    • Organization of American States. Department of Information and Public Affairs Introduction to Grenada Washington, D.C.: General Secretariat, Organization of American States, [between 1974 and 1976]
    • Organization of American States. Program of Tourism Development Grenada tourism development plan Publisher: Washington, D.C.: General Secretariat, Organization of American States, 1978
    • Organization of American States. Unit for the Promotion of Democracy Electoral observation in Grenada: 1999 Washington, D.C.: General Secretariat, Organization of American States, 1999
    • Hugh O’Shaughnessy Grenada: an eyewitness account of the U.S. invasion and the Caribbean history that provoked it New York: Dodd, Mead, 1985, ©1984
    • Hugh O’Shaughnessy Grenada: revolution, invasion and aftermath London: Sphere, 1984
    • Richard Page Spice: a satire based on the US invasion of Grenada in 1983 Publisher: [San Diego, CA]: Foxtrot Publishing, [2014] ©2014
    • Christine von der Pahlen Barbados, Grenada, St. Lucia, St. Vincent [Barbados, Grenada, St. Lucia, St. Vincent entdecken und erleben; Baden, Bummeln, Ausgehen, Essen, Trinken, Übernachten, Ausflüge, Wanderungen, Sehenswertes] München Gräfe und Unzer 1997
    • Chand Mal Palvia; United Nations. Department of Economic and Social Affairs Housing market analysis in Grenada: a perspective Publisher: [New York?]: United Nations, Commissioner for Technical Co-operation, Dept. of Economic and Social Affairs, 1970
    • Guek-Cheng Pang Grenada New York: Marshall Cavendish Benchmark, ©2011
    • David J Parker; Air Force Institute of Technology (U.S.) [Thesis] Aerial ports in low intensity conflict: Vietnam, Grenada, and Panama
    Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio: Dept. of the Air Force, Air University, Air Force Institute of Technology, [1990] : National government publication

    • John Alexander Parker A church in the sun: the story of the rise of Methodism in the island of Grenada, West Indies London: Cargate Press, 1959
    • Philip M Parker The 2005 Grenada economic and product market databook [San Diego, Calif.]: Icon Group, ©2005
    • Philip M Parker The economic competitiveness of Grenada: financials returns, labor productivity and international gaps San Diego, CA: ICON Group, ©2006
    • Victoria Mary S Pasley [Thesis] Flaws in the Jewel? the Grenada revolution, 1979-1983 Houston, Tex. Rice University 1992
    • Robert A Pastor The impact of Grenada on the Caribbean: ripples from a revolution Trinidad and Tobago: Institute of International Relations, 1984
    • Robert A Pastor; Inter American University of Puerto Rico. Caribbean Institute and Study Center for Latin America The United States and the Grenada Revolution: who pushed first and why? Publisher: San Germán, P.R.: Centro de Investigaciones del Caribe y América Latina, Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico, Recinto de San Germán, 1986
    • Bruce Paton; University of New Brunswick. Art Centre Grenada: a big revolution in a small country Publisher: Fredericton, N.B.: Art Centre, University of New Brunswick, 1986
    • Kenita Paul [Thesis] Issues and challenges of micro-enterprises/micro-finance in Grenada and the development of a strategy to promote growth and sustainability in the micro finance sector 2004
    • Anthony Payne; University of Sheffield. Department of Politics The foreign policy of non-capitalist development: the case of Grenada 1979-1983 Publisher: Sheffield: Dept of Politics, Univ. of Sheffield, 1990
    • Anthony Payne, Politologe; Paul Sutton; Tony Thorndike Grenada: revolution and invasion New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1985
    • Douglas W Payne; Center for Strategic and International Studies (Washington, D.C.). Americas Program The 1997 Grenada elections: post-election report Publisher: Washington, D.C.: CSIS Americas Program, 1999
    • Douglas W Payne; Center for Strategic and International Studies (Washington, D.C.) The 1999 Grenada elections: post-election report Washington, D.C.: Center for Strategic and International Studies, 1999
    • Ernest Payne [Thesis] A land tenure reform proposal for Grenada, West Indies Federation [Unknown], 1961
    • Nellie Payne; Jean Buffong Jump-up-and-kiss-me: two stories of Grenada London: Women’s Press, 1990
    • Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co Limes and lime products in Grenada: a strategy for the future: synopsis [St. Lucia]: [Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co.], [1980]
    • Naraine Persaud [Thesis] The development of underdevelopment in Grenada [Unknown], 1985
    • Cecilia Peters; Derrick Penny Our country – Grenada London: Macmillan Caribbean, 1994
    • Henry Petitjean Roget Archaeology in Grenada St. Michael, Barbados: Caribbean Conservation Association, [198-]
    • Glenn O Phillips The U.S. Presence in Grenada: Implications for the future Maryland: Townsend State University, 1985
    • Winston J Phillips The Grenada Boys Secondary School Hostel: reminiscing on a boarding school life in Grenada Denver, Colorado: Outskirts Press, [2009] ©2009
    • Winston J Phillips; University of the West Indies (Saint Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago). Department of Agricultural Economics and Farm Management The major export crops of Grenada: market factors and their implications for production Publisher: St. Augustine, Trinidad: Dept. of Agricultural Economics and Farm Management, University of the West Indies, 1968
    • Don Philpott Grenada Lincolnwood, IL: Passport Books, ©1996
    • Axel Pinck Barbados, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Grenada Köln: DuMont, 1999
    • Pinel, Monsieur.; Daniel Paterson A topographical description of the island of Grenada St. George’s, Grenada: Carenage Press, 1972
    • Jens Plahte Primary commodity exports, cartels, and terms of trade: the case of Grenada’s nutmeg industry Oslo: Department of Human Geography, University of Oslo, 1994
    • Pliny, junior pseud Letters to the Earl of Hillsborough … the Marquis of Rockingham, and the archbishops and bishops; on the late subversion of the political system, of the glorious revolution; and the manifest violation of the act of settlement; by authorising and appointing persons professing the Roman Catholic religion, to hold legislative and executive offices in the government of His Majesty’s islands of Grenada and the Grenadines . London, Printed for the author and sold by J. Wilkie, 1770
    • Greg Poelzer [Thesis] An analysis of Grenada as a socialist-oriented state Ottawa: National Library of Canada, 1990
    • Gail R Pool Grenada: culture, ideology and praxis in a small island state [New Brunswick, Canada?]: [Gail R. Pool?], [1991?]
    • Marcos J Poole [Thesis] A study of the impact of the bishop government of Grenada upon United States and Caribbean relations Washington American University 1982
    • Rosemary Porter [Thesis] Women and the state: women’s movements in Grenada and their role in the Grenadian revolution, 1979-1983 [Unknown], 1986
    • Robert B Potter The quality of housing in Grenada, St. Lucia and St. Vincent: a cartographic and statistical analysis Egham, Surrey: Dept. of Geography, Royal Holloway & Bedford New College, University of London, 1990
    • Noble E C Power; University of the West Indies (Cave Hill, Barbados). Institute of Social and Economic Research “Ten days in October”: the Grenada intervention of 1983 as seen through the eyes of Canadian parliamentarians [Cave Hill, Barbados]: [Institute of Social and Economic Research, University of the West Indies], [1995]
    • Dorsey Precht The Paradise Project children’s research on tourism in Grenada St. George’s, Grenada Grenada Save the Children Development Agency 1998
    • Anthony Prosper; Kelvin Singh [Thesis] The Grenada revolution and its impact on Caribbean society 2004
    • Edward Wilfrid Baxby Proud The postal history of Barbados and Grenada Heathfield, East Sussex: Proud-Bailey Co., ©2006
    • Frederic L Pryor; National Council for Soviet and East European Research (U.S.) Economic relations between third-world Marxist nations and the Soviet bloc: a case study of Grenada: 1979-1983 Washington, D.C.: National Council for Soviet and East European Research, [1986]
    • Frederic L Pryor Revolutionary Grenada: a study in polit. economy New York u.a.: Praeger, 1986
    • Frederick LeRoy Pryor Revolutionary Grenada: a study in political economy London: Praeger, 1986
    • Roselynn R Pucan [Thesis] The UN Convention of the Rights of the Child in Grenada: the challenge of implementation Monterey, Calif.: Monterey Institute of International Studies, 1995
    • Ananth Puranik [Thesis] A survey of patients with alcohol related problems in Carlton House, St. George’s, Grenada [Unknown], 1990
    • S Puri Grenada revolution in the caribbean present: operation urgent memory [Unknown]: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016
    • Shalini Puri Grenada revolution in the caribbean present [Unknown]: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016
    • J E W F van Raders; D L Wolfson Verslag eener reis naar Demerary, Grenada en Guadeloupe, gedaan op lass van Zijne Excellentie den Gouverneur der kolonie Suriname Paramaribo, J.C. Muller, 1846
    • Kendrick Radix George Louison and Kendrick Radix discuss–: internal events leading to the U.S. invasion of Grenada New York, N.Y. (348 Convent Ave., New York 10031): Grenada Foundation, ©1984
    • Edgar F Raines; Center of Military History The rucksack war: U.S. Army operational logistics in Grenada, 1983 Publisher: Washington, D.C.: Center of Military History, U.S. Army: [For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O.], 2010
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